Shiitake mushrooms native to East Asia, are cultivated around the world for their purported health benefits
Fresh and dried forms of the mushroom are commonly used in East Asian cuisine. They are also valued as an anti-tumor agent.
Lentinan, a polysaccharide extracted from Shiitake, may help prolong the survival of patients with certain tumors using chemotherapy. Lentinan is a very popular drug in Japan and China, where its use is covered by health insurance as part of the treatment of some tumors. Lentinan is found only in shiitake mushrooms.
The healing properties of shiitake mushrooms are attributed to a polysaccharide (sugar molecule) called lentinan, which has been extensively researched. Lentinan is a polysaccharide called 1,3 beta glucan. In laboratory tests, lentinan does not kill cancer cells directly, but increases a number of aspects of the immune system that can contribute to slowing tumor growth. Lentinan also kills viruses and microbes directly in laboratory studies. Most studies involving lentinan involve intravenous or intramuscular injection.
It has a beneficial effect where:
- Helps in the prevention and treatment of cancer (Lentinan, a polysaccharide extracted from Shiitake, can help patients with certain tumors when using chemotherapy or radiotherapy)
- It helps in the treatment of infections
- It helps in detoxification, cleansing the body, getting rid of heavy metals, excess salts, etc.
- It helps with joint pain and inflammation
- Antiseptic effects
- It helps in lowering the cholesterol level, regulating blood pressure
- Supports immunity
Shii take "oak mushroom" (Shii=oak; take=mushroom) is a highly valued mushroom in the countries of the Orient for its excellent taste and great medicinal effects. Shii take is a macrobiotic specialty and medicine at the same time - according to the Japanese, this mushroom is the "elixir of life". Eating shiitake has anti-cancer effects, increases the body's immunity, lowers blood cholesterol, protects the liver and the body from free radicals, and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
From a dietary point of view, it is a very valuable food due to its low caloric value, content of high-quality polysaccharides and other valuable trace elements. It contains a large amount of proteins (18%), vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B12, D2) and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It also contains all eight essential amino acids in an ideal ratio. It has been proven that regular consumption of shiitake helps reduce blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and strengthens the body's overall defense against viral diseases. Some foreign studies report that regular consumption of shiitake prevents the development of cancer (it contains the active substance LENTINAN - glucan, which has immunostimulating, anti-infectious, anti-tumor and radioprotective effects). Shiitake is beneficial in fighting almost all civilizational diseases. Like seaweed, it can bind heavy metals such as mercury, lead or strontium. Based on studies conducted in the 1970s in Japan, in many countries extracts from these mushrooms have become part of a treatment to reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy.
Shiitake has a versatile use in oriental and European cuisine, especially in reducing, macrobiotic and vegetarian diets. It has a very low energy value, but its nutritional value is high... So it fills up, but we don't have to be afraid of gaining weight. Traditionally, shiitake mushrooms are most commonly consumed in Japanese cuisine. They can be used to prepare soups, sauces, for rice, to flavor meat dishes (it is an excellent addition to chicken and rabbit meat), or vegetable dishes. However, it should be kept in mind that the longer they are heat-treated, the less valuable substances are preserved in them. Before use, it is necessary to soak the mushrooms for a few hours.
In concentrated form as an extract (powder, pills, drops), shiitake is used to treat cancer, AIDS and diabetes. It has immunostimulating, anti-infectious (eliminates viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infectious diseases), anti-tumor and radioprotective effects. It has proven itself successfully in the treatment and prevention of acne. In addition to its activating effect on the body, it acts as a free radical scavenger and an antioxidant. Free radicals arise from improper diet or excessive consumption of foods with preservatives. Therefore, glucans are suitable for correcting the formation of free radicals originating from food. It works to reduce the level of excess substances from nutrition (cholesterol) and excess hormones (during physical and mental stress), suppresses the risk of increased blood pressure, strengthens the body's overall defense against viral diseases. Shiitake has an anti-fungal, anti-tumor effect, stimulates the immune system, improves liver function. Concentrated extracts from shiitake mushroom mycelium are called e.g. Lentinan, or LEM. They are antitumor preparations, they treat tuberculosis, fatigue syndrome, bronchitis, hepatitis, they act against the HIV virus. Japanese scientists found that the consumption of Shiitake mushroom preparations increases the activity of the immune system, increases the activity of macrophages, NK-cells, T and B lymphocytes, increases the level ofterferon.
Shiitake is rare for its medicinal effects aimed mainly at diseases of the upper respiratory tract, poor blood circulation and liver problems. The medicinal shiitake mushroom has natural antibacterial effects and helps in the treatment of ulcers and stomach problems. In Japan, Korea and China, it has been known as a medicine and food supplement for more than 1000 years. In the treatment of those affected by the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a number of supportive substances have been tried, but the effects of the fruiting bodies of the Shiitake mushroom have been shown to be the most effective. Shiitake mushrooms act like a sponge that sucks up poisonous substances from the body and therefore effectively absorbed radioactive radiation. Studies have found anti-tumor effects, lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure, joint pain and inflammation.
- activates self-healing processes,
- increases the performance of recreational and elite sports,
- reduces high stress load and exhaustion,
- helps with high demands on concentration and energy,
- recovers after surgery (not after organ transplantation),
- helps with gluten-free diet, obesity and diabetes,
- complements a wide range of natural substances.
The shiitake mushroom is a medicinal mushroom that most often grows on tree stumps. This mushroom is originally from Asia, but now it is cultivated all over the world. Its healing effects are used in medicine, but also in the kitchen. Vitamins, minerals and a high content of glucan guarantee the real power of this medicinal mushroom. Glucan is a substance that specifically destroys cancer and tumor cells, strongly stimulates the immune system and eliminates various types of radiation and harmful substances from the air.
- Strong immune system support
- It accelerates the healing of the body
- Protects cells from free radicals
- Cancer prevention
- Prevents the growth of cancer cells
- It purifies the whole organism
- It removes heavy metals, radiation and waste from the body. substances
- Ensures healthy airways
- Eliminates allergy symptoms
- Prevention against cardiovascular diseases
- It reduces high blood cholesterol
- It lowers high blood pressure
- Antiseptic effects
- Supports kidney and liver function
- Removes excess salts from the body
- Calms the nervous system
- Removes stress from the body
You can find the shiitake mushroom in our products Activ 3 chocolate, Activ 3 blackcurrant and Shiitakecoffee.
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